She’s so cute. It should be a fun day tomorrow with a parade and hopefully a not-too-difficult game. So, I don’t know if you know this about me or not but I am pretty sure it is safe to say that Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday. I love to dress up, I love the decorations and I mean…my goodness…its main purpose is to eat and pass out candy…of course I love it. I dress up in at least two costumes every year (one for work and one for a party) and this year will be no different. I am not revealing the costume ideas until after Halloween. At this point, I have no really great reason why…in fact…several of my friends know but whatever…I’m still keeping it away from the internet until after the fact. Just know, that the costumes I have chosen are AWESOME and require much more work than I have put in yet but I will get them done. I would even love to go to another event the Friday before Halloween or the actual day of Halloween just so I can get a 3rd costume but I haven’t really heard of anything else going on. Anyway, I tell you all of this because I bought some ultra cute decorations to put up outside our apartment…they are subtle, yet adorable and festive…

Cute right? Well, less than a work day later, our across the way neighbors tried to show us out…

I am a firm believer that they were trying to make a statement. I blurred apartment numbers because frankly, it’s none of “ya BINNESSS” where I live and as Antoine Dodson says, “they rapin’ erry body out here.” Anyway, I personally don’t love their taste in decorations…I feel like we have a bit more taste but that’s just my personal preference. I will say however, that I will not go down without a fight. Cassandra has already planned on digging up some cobwebs and potentially a strobe light…so watch out neighbor…it’s ON.
Watch out for this transition…The Halloween decoration battle is not the only battle I’m dealing with right now. I am also battling with the “in between sizes” disease. I know that having clothes that are too big for you is what we consider a “good” problem but it is also kind of annoying. I heard once that for every 10 pounds you lose, you lose a pant size. Well, this is not the case for me. It took me 30 pounds before my clothes even got too loose. I haven’t gone down that much but right now…I am EXACTLY in between two sizes. I don’t exactly have the money to buy clothes for every size so lately, I have been getting the clothes a little snug and then wait until they are falling off before I buy new ones. It’s just especially problematic right now because I have a severe lack in clothes I can wear in cooler weather. I am in the mode of buying one thing every once in awhile…that’s the only real solution I can think of right now. I won’t complain too much about that because I’m glad I’m needing new clothes but I feel like I gave away half my wardrobe and maybe now the thought is…baggy clothes are better than no clothes? Yah, too little, too late. I just thought I would vent about that for a minute.
Anyway, I wanted to remind you of one more thing. This month is Breast Cancer Awareness month…please keep those battling with breast cancer and those families who have lost loved ones to breast cancer in your thoughts and prayers. Wear your pink in support and donate if you can.

Tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of the death of Angel Pittman Burnette, a loving mother and wife. She was the aunt of my Jordan and she was an amazing woman. In her honor, I wanted to just take the last part of my blog to ask you to remember those affected by not only breast cancer, but all forms of cancer. Cancer is a terrible illness that should be stopped by whatever means necessary! Let’s help those affected by fighting! Wear your colors, donate, pray and NEVER GIVE UP HOPE!
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and keep my mom in your thoughts as she is taking a VERY MUCH DESERVED weekend beach trip. She is with her friends…they are going to see Bon Jovi in concert. Be safe Mom! Wish me luck on the scale tomorrow! I’ll report next week!
Roll Tide Y’all! Bye!
“Up where they walk
Up where they run
Up where they stay all day in the sun
Wandering free
Wish I could be
Part of that world
What would I give
If I could live
Out of these waters?
What would I pay
To spend a day
Warm on the sand?
Bet'cha on land
They understand
Bet they don't reprimand their daughters
Bright young women
Sick of swimming
Ready to stand
And ready to know what the people know
Ask 'em my questions and get some answers
What's a fire and why does it
[What's the word?] burn
When's it my turn?
Wouldn't I love
Love to explore the shore up above?
Out of the sea
Wish I could be
Part of that world
What would I give to live where you are
What would I pay to stay here beside you
What would I do to see you, smiling at me
Where would we walk
Where would we run
If we could stay all day in the sun
Just you and me
And I could be..
Part of your
world..[gets distracted by dog]
I don't know when
I don't know how
But I know something's starting right now
Watch and you'll see
Someday I'll be
Part of your
world.” Part of Your World-From The Little Mermaid
Thank you for remembering and honoring Angel and all of those fighting a horrible disease.