My Aunt Brenda often whispers “patience is a virtue” under her breath when feeling stressed or encountering a situation that may make her crazy. Lately, I have found that this method doesn’t work for me. My Oma asked me if I have found that my anger “issues” have gotten worse because I am dieting. I had never really thought about it before but it was an interesting question. I honestly don’t think they have gotten worse...just pretty consistent.
I have different ways of dealing with things. I usually have patience for certain periods of time and then it sort of...runs out. When that happens, I express that through language or yelling or biting my finger really hard. I have to gather more patience after that which is like looking for firewood in the desert...especially if I’m at work...but I manage. I know that everyone finds patience from different places. I was thinking and I don’t think that my accelerated anger comes from one particular thing. I think it comes from my short fuse. My lack of patience. I am a person that desires instant gratification. This explains the dizzying anger I feel when my computer runs slow or the way I want to hit someone when I don’t know an answer I need right away. I think this ideology is spilling over into my weight loss. As of Saturday, I have lost over 46 pounds. It feels really good but at the same time...I am very impatient. I have been so lucky to have lost weight every week since I started Weight Watchers. I say lucky...which I am...but I have also worked my butt off. Some weeks I lose over 2 pounds when I just do normal things and then there was last week when I did everything right and I only lost 1.2. Do I feel guilty for complaining about losing weight? Yes. Do I do it anyway? Yes. It’s all about my impatience. My goal and perhaps you might consider making this your goal as well: Be patient. Patience really is a virtue. We can’t always get instant gratification. If that were the case, I would have done what it takes to lose 150 pounds in one week, all 7 Harry Potter movies would be out by now, I would have a Masters and a PHD, and I would ask for a paycheck advance for the next 10 years. I understand it takes time but I need to REALLY understand it. Because, if I get too impatient...I might stop. I definitely do NOT want to do that.
Because of my brothers OVER-patient attitude with his grades...he may or may not be relinquishing his right to go to the LSU game this weekend- meaning I get to go. Unfortunately, I can’t relish in this because I would honestly rather have my brother making the straight A’s his brain so rightfully deserves but that doesn’t mean I’m not going....because I totally am. This game is pretty darn important. A win here pretty much seals up the SEC West so we can get another chance at the Gators. I must be patient in this realm also because we need to go one game at a time. Roll Tide.

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