There may also be just a smidge...a TINY, insignificant, smidge of shame that I am experiencing as a result of the nasty, fattening weekend that I had. I lost 2 pounds (miraculously) last week and for some reason, I took that as a complete license to eat what the crap I wanted to. It was weird because I don't usually do that but Saturdays are harder now than they were during football season. I'm not real sure what all that is about but I think it's a sort of "slump." I had a massive, juicy steak on Saturday night and then my mother made fried pork chops last night AND fried rice AND fried okra. It was seriously one of the most memorable meals I've had. I have got to remember that when my birthday comes around.
Since I was bad this weekend, my plans are to be extra good this week (sometimes I feel like I sound like a broken record). I've started off great because despite my obnoxious insomnia last night, I got up, worked out and did great on points today. Before I go...I wanted to share a couple new finds least they are new to me.

Here's the thing...I don't even like beans but I thought I would try it since it was mixed with cheese...I actually liked it. The best part is that according to the nutrition facts, which I'm still a little skeptical about but don't really know what to do, you can eat one serving for 45 calories. You can have 3 servings for 3 points because the beans have fiber which helps...mix that with a 2 point serving of Baked Tostitos and you get a 5 point snack...may sound like a lot but it's a BIG snack...and you could always have only one or two servings but I'm always thinking of ways to have more food.

This is the 2 point dessert I had tonight. It's half a serving of angel food cake (which is still about an inch thick piece of cake). It also has about a fourth of a cup of blueberries (zero points) and a couple of tablespoons of lite cool whip (which I prefer to regular and one serving is also zero points). It tastes great, filling, it's something different and...just...yum!
Ok-I hope you all try these and forgive my slack!
Have a great night.
Sometimes the lyrics don't have a thing to do with the blog...sometimes their just in my head...and sometimes...I gotta post the whole thing.
"I am color...blind
Coffee black and egg white
Pull me out from inside
I am ready
I am ready
I am ready
I am
taffy stuck, tongue tied
Stuttered shook and uptied
Pull me out from inside
I am ready
I am ready
I am ready
I am...fine
I am covered in skin
No one gets to come in
Pull me out from inside
I am folded, and unfolded, and unfolding
I am
Coffee black and egg white
Pull me out from inside
I am ready
I am ready
I am ready
I am fine
I am fine
I am fine"
I Am Ready For Love-Counting Crows
The blueberry/angel food cake concoction looks DELICIOUS! And, you are on point with your lyrics and song choices!